The Vaslui County School Inspectorate is a local public authority, representing the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research in the territory. It was established in 1968, according to the Law of People’s Councils no. 57/1968, art. 51-52. Currently, the institution operates based on the National Education Law no.1 / 2011, the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of school inspectorates approved by order of the Ministry of Education no.5530 / 2011. The institution coordinates the activity of the school network in Vaslui county and implements government policy in the field of education. The institution also manages the continuous training and improvement of teachers, in collaboration with the Teaching Staff House, the educational and European cooperation activity in schools, psycho-pedagogical and career counseling of teachers, students, parents in collaboration with the County Resource and Assistance Center. Educational, the relationship with parents, with local and national authorities, with civil society.

Main attributions

• strategic institutional communication between the Ministry of Education and the educational units, the county and local administration bodies;
• implementation of national, regional and local education policies;
• the compatibility of the conceptual, action and evaluative approaches, so that the participation of all community factors in the educational act is facilitated, in order to have equal access to education for all citizens.
• ensuring the quality of the educational process;
• efficient and effective management and administration of human and material resources.
• supporting the institutional development of educational institutions in order to strengthen institutional autonomy, in conditions of competition, in accordance with national standards and performance descriptors specific to each level of education, participation and integration of educational institutions in socio-economic development programs and cultural, at Community, national and European level.


The mission of the Vaslui County School Inspectorate is to train and educate the young generations, within an educational system developed on the basis of standards and values ​​of European level, on competencies and assumed responsibility.
To achieve this goal, the school inspectorate has the mission to apply the policies and strategies of the Ministry of Education and Research at county level, to promote quality educational management that facilitates: compliance with national and European standards, performance indicators in teaching activities- learning-assessment and management of educational units and institutions; this strategy is meant to lead to the compatibility of projective approaches with action and evaluation, adaptation to the challenges of online schooling, monitoring and evaluation of the instructional-educational process and educational services, supporting the institutional development of educational units, introducing the dimension of intercultural communication and communication institutional and inter-institutional strategy, so that the Vaslui education system is competitive at national and European level.


The vision of the Vaslui County School Inspectorate is determined by the imperative of raising the Vaslui school to qualitative standards of European level, conducive to the promotion of a modern education and the provision of highly competitive human resources.
In this sense, the Vaslui County School Inspectorate aims to coordinate the Vaslui educational system with professionalism, trust, objectivity and competitiveness, through an efficient collaboration and transparent communication in order to achieve the proposed quality standards, to create an inclusive, stimulating and motivating environment for all. categories of beneficiaries.
The implementation of national and county educational policies is based on the valorization and capitalization of human resources, evaluation with a sense of development for the promotion and recognition of authentic values ​​in the national and European community context.
The School Inspectorate will promote the basic principles of European policy designed for the programming period 2021-2027: inclusion and diversity, responsibility and sustainability in the field of environment, digital education, active participation in the creation of the European Education Area. It will also base its entire activity on fundamental values ​​such as: respect for human dignity, tolerance, equal opportunities, non-discrimination, respect for multiculturalism and linguistic diversity.
In achieving its goals, the management team of the County School Inspectorate will start from knowing and respecting the National Education Law and all regulations specific to the educational system, for the optimal use of all human and material resources available to the county; will act to increase the efficiency of the school inspection, through guidance and counseling, for the training and continuous professional development of the staff working in the system.
It will also identify the education needs of the county community and the vision of different groups of direct and indirect beneficiaries, to find optimal solutions to streamline the school network, to attract material, financial and human resources for the development of the education system in Vaslui County.
From here derive the strategic objectives that will be achieved through a planning of actions, with deadlines and responsibilities, with performance indicators that will be established for regular monitoring and evaluation. The strategic objectives will be operationalized in the general managerial plan of the Vaslui County School Inspectorate and detailed on the fields “Management and institutional development” and “Curriculum and school inspection”.

Strategic objectives

I.1.Ensuring staffing with well-trained staff in order to increase access to
quality education of all children and ensuring the necessary conditions for the implementation of institutional decentralization
I.2. Improving the professional development activities of the teaching, auxiliary and non-teaching staff
I.3. Development of managerial skills of school management
I.4. The inclusion of the entire school-age population in the educational units, the reduction of the school dropout rate, the schooling of adults through the “A
second chance ”
I.5. Observance of the measures for organizing the activity within the educational units / institutions in conditions of epidemiological safety for the prevention of diseases with SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to the joint Order no. 5487/1494/2020 (M.E.C./M.S.)

II.1. The efficiency of the school network in accordance with the dynamics of the school population and the requirements of the communities
II.2. Modernization of the material base and of the school infrastructure based on projects and programs
II.3. Financing of the related units and of the state pre-university education units according to the legislation in force – requirement of the efficiency of the financial management at the level of ISJ Vaslui
II.4. Creating conditions in order to reduce the number of school units that do not meet the standards of obtaining the sanitary authorization for operation
II.5 Substantiation of the own budget for the financial year 2021; analysis of proposals / requests for funds of schools to improve infrastructure, to provide digital technology needed for the teaching process (including through the ME program “Home School”) and to access / carry out projects funded by European non-reimbursable funds.

III.1. Increasing the quality of school inspection by fully applying the provisions of the School Inspection Regulation, emphasizing the activity of advising school managers, teachers and teaching staff, by applying remedial measures to recover the National Curriculum focused on skills, for the 2019 school year -2020, the extension of digitalized learning, the compatibility of the national evaluations with the school curricula and with the evaluations during the years of study, in order to obtain high-performance results at the 2021 national exams.
III.2. Deepening the National Curriculum and the one decided by the school, increasing the quality of the educational process in accordance with the standards provided in the Quality Law
III.3. Stimulating school and extracurricular educational activities, students’ performance activities through complex programs of actions carried out at school, community, county and specific national calendar
III.4. Ensuring concordance between the development of vocational and technical education and labor market requirements at local, national and European level

IV.1. Optimizing the relations with the community by observing some norms of conduct with the local authorities, making them more efficient for the benefit of the direct beneficiaries
IV.2. Promoting the image of the school inspectorate
IV.3. The development of the European dimension of the education offered by the school units from Vaslui county, in order to reach the objectives assumed by Romania in the programming period 2021-2027, for a “green” and digital Europe.